At 08:59 AM 11/2/2003 +0100, Pisinho wrote:
HI, I have the follow problem.
I have a router gateway Linux machine with

Eth0 ---- IP public address static p.e. 80.15.x.x
Eth1 ---- IP private p.e. connected at the Switch

Switch with PC client and various IP which I unknow because have a Laptop
Computer with your configuration (customers who are connected every a lot,
are professionals who come in company and they do not have the possibility
to change their configuration ).
Therefore I would have to supply to they same the possibility to be annoying
in Internet, independently from their IP address.
How I can make? I must use tables ARP and forward the packages through the
MAC address?

This inquiry is very hard to follow. I assume English is not your first language. While I do not want to be or to sound critical ... your English is certainly better than my Italian ... figuring out what you are asking is really guesswork.

So ... what I *think* you are asking is the following:

You need to provide Internet access, through a LEAF router, to some clients whose workstations already have static IP addresses. You do not know those addresses prior to their connecting. When one of these machines connects to your LAN, you need somehow to allow it to access the router and the Internet.

If I understand your needs correctly, they are almost impossible to meet. Each of these client systems will have more than simply an IP address that does not match your LAN. Each will also have an incorrect routing table, default gateway, and perhaps nameservers. So, to make this concrete with an example, you might see on your LAN (, gateway a machine that has

        IP address
        a local route to
        default gateway of
        nameserver of

Ignoring for the moment the security issues associated with providing Internet access to anyone who connects to your LAN, using any IP address he or she chooses, your problem now is -- that machine, if it tries to access (again, as an example), will

first, try to connect to to resolve . In the example, it will try to do this directly, since it thinks is local, but in other cases, it may try to reach a public IP address through its gateway.

second, try to connect to the address is resolves by way of its gateway, .

For the LEAF router to accommodate this, it needs to have its LAN NIC in promiscuous mode (so it even sees the packets being sent to other gateway and local nameserver IP addresses). Then it need some special processing application that will cause it to route (or, for nameserver stuff, respond to) these packets.

Because my example used a different private-address network for the connecting client, it leaves out some complications. If the client has a "real" (routable) IP address, its routing table could identify some other real IP addresses as local to it. The router would have to be extra clever to route to those.

And if the client confiurations are truly unknown, they may involve use of a proxy server for http, https, ftp, and other services. One more thing for the router to have to guess about.

In principle, a router *could* do all of this. But I know of no off-the-shelf Linux applications that actually *would* do all of this, either on LEAF or on a full-size-distro Linux router. Because it is such a security nightmare, I expect nobody has even thought of developing something like this for a router ... though, of course, there could easily be something I am unfamiliar with, but that somebody else will suggest, based on my restatement of your requirements.

The usual solution to this sort of roaming requirement is to expect the clients to use DHCP to get their IP addresses, and to run a DHCP server with short-life leases to provide them with addresses on your LAN.

Your thought of working directly with MAC addresses is ingenious, but I know of no actual application or system-level software that would do what you want (though, once again, perhaps somebody else does).

If I have misunderstood your inquiry, please accept my apologies. If I have not, though, I doubt you will find a solution that involves Linux or LEAF.

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