On Sunday 22 February 2004 09:15 am, Robert K Coffman Jr - Info From Data 
Corporation wrote:
> I've been pouring through the docs and archives but can't seem to find the
> answer to these.
> I've got a setup similar to Tom's 3 interface example, but with public IPs
> in the DMZ and proxy arp set to allow access to them.
> Question 1:  If I want to firewall all but the necessary public services
> from the DMZ machines, should I be using SNAT rather than proxy arp?  I
> guess I don't understand how shorewall interacts with proxy arp'ed machines
> if at all.

Proxy ARP adds an entry to the firewall's ARP cache and optionally adds a 
route to the host through your DMZ interface. That in no way alters the fact 
that traffic to/from the machines in your DMZ is governed by normal Shorewall 
rules/policies. Have you looked at my configuration 
(http://www.shorewall.net/myfiles.htm)? It uses Proxy ARP for the DMZ.

> Question 2:  If using proxy arp, should clients on the internal network be
> able to access the DMZ machines by their public IP?

If your rules/policies permit it, yes. If you looked at my configuration, you 
may have noticed that I use one-to-one NAT to allow access to my DMZ by an 
internal network address -- that is simply for convenience when I'm on the 
road and connected using VPN.

> Question 3:  There is a public IP address that has a different gateway than
> the block of IP addresses currently in the DMZ.  If I use SNAT with that
> IP, is there any way to specify a different gateway?  I'm struggling to
> understand this part so if this makes no sense please ignore it.

You're going to have to give us specifics before we can understand the 

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \ http://shorewall.net

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