
> Can you give some more details about your specific setup (did 
> you change anything in lrp.conf) and which packages are installed?

My setup is as follows, though I cannot figure out which would be the
details of interest: ADSL via pppoe on eth0, internal lan on eth1, shorewall
with NAT for my local network and some ports forwarded to internal servers.
Except for the tftpd package which I did not care to configure correctly,
everything else is working as expected.

lrpkg.cfg is as follows:
-----------  lrpkg.cfg  start -------------------------------------
-----------  lrpkg.cfg  end -------------------------------------

lrp.conf is as follows, and if I remember correctly, I only changed

-----------  lrp.conf start -------------------------------------
#This is the master config file for systemwide LRP functions.
#It is referenced by multicron-* and POSIXness.

# Log files in /var/log/ to rotate. DEPTH == Amount to keep.
lrp_LOGS_DAILY="daemon.log debug cron.log messages syslog user.log \
                ppp.log pslave.log shorewall.log"

# Email address to use for notices and alerts. If blank alerts won't be
lrp_MAIL_ADMIN= <admin email>

# Server that will be contacted via 'rdate' for the time service daily.
# Turning this on also updates the CMOS clock

# List of hosts to ping check. ADMIN will be sent mail if any fail.

# SPACECHECK, will check the space available on a defined device.
# For each device you must define a tag and a group of parameters
# associated with this tag. (See below). Then, for each device,
# if the remaining free space is <= MINKB or <= MINPER, each level
# of file mask(s) will be wiped, until the minimum available space
# is met or level 5 is reached. Files are individually null'ed
# to 0 size. They are not rm'ed. (syslogd will not be interrupted)
# When the level set in MAIL_LEVEL, is reached or exceeded, an
# alert will be sent to ADMIN. (If set)
# You can have as many tags as you want :-)
# Default=One tag (L) associated to /var/log
lrp_SPACECHECK=NO                       # YES or NO (default)
lrp_SC_MOUNT="L"                        # define here the tag(s) of
directories to be checked
#lrp_SC_MOUNT="L T"                     # an alternative if you want to
check two directories
lrp_SC_MAIL_LEVEL=2                     # >= 6 to disable.

# The following block defines the parameters for the "L" tag
lrp_SC_MNT_L="/var/log"                 # Directory to be checked
lrp_SC_MINKB_L=-1                       # <= -1 to disable.
lrp_SC_MINPER_L=5                       # >= 101 to disable. Default 5%.
lrp_SC_DEL_L1="/var/log/*[3-4].gz"      # defines the files that will be set
to 0 when space limit is reached

# The following block defines the parameters for the "T" tag
#lrp_SC_MNT_T="/tmp"                    # Directory to be checked
#lrp_SC_MINKB_T=-1                      # <= -1 to disable.
#lrp_SC_MINPER_T=5                      # >= 101 to disable. Default 5%.
#lrp_SC_DEL_T1="/tmp/..."               # defines the files that will be set
to 0 when space limit is reached
-----------  lrp.conf end -------------------------------------

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