
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 06:46:04 -0700
> From: "Peter Mueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [leaf-user] CF-IDE help
> Hello,
> Does anyone know why my new both my new 64mb CF-IDE solutions don't seem
> to want to work properly?  I can format the devices properly, syslinux
> properly, but when I try to copy data over there is corruption and very
> strange things happen.  
> For example, it looks like I copy all my LRPs
> over properly but they don't actually copy.  I've tried this process
> from both Linux and windows, with two completely different sets of
> hardware.  I didn't run into this problem with my 256mb CF-IDE cards a
> year ago.

I'm using a 64M CF + syslinux. I encountered no problem. I prepare my CF
using a microtech USB CF card r/w on a Linux environment, and everything
goes well. Maybe you can supply us more details as to what are the
exact error/s, etc that you encounter.
Also, after preparing my CF w/ fdisk & mkfs.msdos, and mounting and 
dumping my files into the CF, I used to verify if the files are actually

Added info:

Another nice solution other than syslinux, as documented on the Bering 
site is to make use of grub. And it also works perfectly well.

Best regards,

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