rawdata wrote:

You may upgrade over the existing lrp. Configuration will not be saved. Generally, I open a backed-up copy of the old lrp with WinRAR, view the old configuration side-by-side with the PuTTY window with the new lrp waiting to be configured. Not "pretty," but in about 10 minutes, I can cut/paste and "shorewall restart" my way to a working upgraded Shorewall config.

Granted, I always read the changelogs so that I don't inadvertantly import an old setting that is now obsolete or just plain wrong. But (knocks wood) hasn't been an issue yet.

Except in rare cases (which will only occur at a major release), you can rename your /etc/shorewall directory, install the new .lrp, remove the new /etc/shorewall and replace it with the one you saved. Then backup the resulting package. The downside of this approach is that your config files will not contain documentation for new features.

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \ http://shorewall.net

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