K.-P. Kirchdörfer wrote:
You may try to compile it yourself - it isn't that hard to set up an uClibc environment:
Thanks for the suggestion KP but this is way beyond my ability at this time as I have two in-use Linux boxes - one LEAF router and one Debian mail server (both stable and not a place for me to 'learn' compiling) and no experience in compiling anything Linux, tho I'm an old MS C v6.0a (compiler) hack.
The thing that impedes me is the initial setup of a Linux-running compile-box; I wish that I could find a .IMG (or even a DriveImage .PQI) of a complete Linux system that I could dump onto a h/d and boot up. From there I could probably manage the untarring of code and invoking 'make something-or-other' but it's the initial setup of libraries, paths, etc, that dissuades me.
In any case might I ask again for the LEAF community to consider my request for someone to compile BEEP.LRP since it won't be happening at my end anytime soon?
Thanks one and all for your work on LEAF!
scott; canada
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