Hi, I am new to Leaf.
I am also new to Linux.
I am also new to firewalling.
I thought I would try to learn more about them and run Bering uClibc.
I am having trouble right out of the gate though.  I have read lots of FAQ's and 
archives but have not had any luck.

My future setup:
I was hoping to use a Pentium 3 computer (and extra NIC cards) that was just lying 
around and use it for a firewall.  I have 5 static IP's from my cable ISP.  I host a 
web page with one, a media server with another, and have my local network (4 or so 
computers) on the third,  two of the IP's aren't being used currently.

1.) I am concerned that with my media and web server that I need packet filtering or 
something more than just NAT and port forwarding.  Am I right in assuming this and is 
Leaf or even uClibc a good solution?

2.) Do you think uClibc 2.2 beta 4 is stable enough for a noob like myself or should I 
just use 2.1.2?

3.) I have tried running both versions but I am stuck at the same place on both.  What 
is the Firewall login and password?  Am I just an idiot?

Thanks for your help,

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