Hi folks, thought that I would toss out a few RFE's to see if I can encourage their inclusion. I'd be very happy to spend some time to make inclusion as easy as possible for the Bering Team, if any of these changed are desired.

1) LRCFG is invoked from /root/.profile
The default installation has 'lrcfg' auto-run at boot-up. This is the first thing that I turn off because only about a third of the time am I logging into my box to make use of the (fantastic, BTW) menu system. However this appears in the "/root/.profile" script, which means that one must backup the /entire/ root package to save the change (and re-burn it to CD-ROM, in my case).
- Suggestion: move this invocation from "/root/.profile" into "/etc/profile" where a backup of the ETC package will save the change.

2) using local.lrp to override the login-script
Again, on the login-script issue ... the way that I have extricated my customized changes of the login script of a new release is to have a script (login_all) saved in my LOCAL package. I then adjust the "/etc/profile" script so that instead of the contents just being executed, it looks like:
if [ -f /usr/local/bin/login_all ]; then
. /usr/local/bin/login_all
...whatever was originally in this file

This is the sort of change that would not negatively impact anyone else (unless they also have a login_all script) but would lead people to perhaps make better use of the LOCAL package. The value of this change depends on how many people adjust the auto-login script (including alias definitions). (BTW it's not unheard of, given people's desire to adjust the command prompt, etc).

3) There's no 720K diskette support. I would normally use one occasionally to transfer files (since I seem to have lots of them and many fewer 1.44 disks). Perhaps this support could be added with minimal cost to time/package size?

4) beeping
First, thanks again to Eric Spakman who responded to my bleating and put together a uClibc BEEP.LRP package. I find this thing /really/ useful, to let me know when my LEAF box has detected a drop in my DSL connection, as well as giving me feedback when I'm backing up packages (I get 'failure' sounds if a backup fails for some reason and before the sound effects I had to carefully read the screen to know if success was achieved or not, waiting for one backup to finish before I could keypress to start the next backup).

I wonder whether including the beep executable (5K uncompressed) into a main package (initrd?) might be considered. It could be globally invoked (say via a script called do_beep) and as such could be globally controlled via some setting, so that those who want a silent/noisy box could easily make it so (maybe have the default to have beeping off). I have a script that invokes some predefined sounds so that I don't need to redo a full command-line of various frequencies & durations, every time I want a sound effect:
- good (a 1-note, quick, high-pitched tone)
- goodfinal (a 3-note, high-pitched tone)
- bad (a 1-note, low-pitch tone)
- badfinal (a longer, 2-note, low-pitch tone)
- ping (a 1-note, very quick, 'heartbeat' beep - an indicator of progress happening, e.g. waiting for a ppp connection to come up)
- link_up (a 3-note, very quick, escalating-freq effect that tells me when my PPP connection has come up; similar to what presently appears in /etc/ppp/ip-up)
- link_down (inverse of link_up, for notifying me when my DSL has dropped)

I'll propose that my wish to include these sound effects is not /completely/ off-the-wall, since this effect is already employed by the ipup & ip-down scripts of the PPP module.

5) ppp delay at startup
I find that when I reboot my DSL modem and LEAF, my LEAF box gets ahead of my modem and I need to reset things manually to get the connection up. Obviously fine for when I'm here but a bummer if the power drops and my LEAF box reboots unattended. In "/etc/init.d/networking" I added in a call to a delay script (stored via LOCAL.LRP!) that is a delay loop that stops waiting when a "ppp" device is found via "ip route". If this feature is useful to other people perhaps it might be included with base packages?

6) In setting up my 2.2 system at one time I ended up with a corrupted ETC.LRP file (the worst one to get corrupted - it figures). Might it be desirable to have a configurable setting in the LRP backup script, where one can request that a gunzip be effected upon the newly-saved-to-floppy to verify that the file is readable and not corrupted? (Goes well with "do_beep badfinal" :)

7) The 'confirm writes' setting is not saved between invocations of LRPKG. Is this feature worth adding in? (I adjust the default to he CWRT="OFF", myself, but have to backup the entire CONFIG package to save the change - it beats having to turn if off every time I go to do a backup).

As always, thanks for LEAF!

scott; canada

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