1.       I'm running shorewall 1.4.5.
2.       I've put xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where an individual IP-address written for
security reasons. I don't think that the real IP-adresses are relevant.
I may be a little paranoid but I want to avoid the link of names with
3.      It's true that I'm working with an old RFC-file.
4.      The IP-address is obtained from the DHCP-server of the provider and
is of the 62.xxx.xxx.xxx range.
5.      I don't understand what you mean with "To correct this problem".

On Fri, 2005-04-15 at 17:12, Tom Eastep wrote:
> Joel Louis Blom wrote:
> > Tom,
> > I followed your suggestion but no result.
> > I am a little farther however. It seems that the entry is blocked via
> > the RFC1918 rule list as the error is logdrop:
> > 
> > Apr 15 15:54:15 renault Shorewall:logdrop:DROP: IN=eth0 OUT=
> > MAC=00:01:02:0c:f0:b1:00:05:5f:eb:38:8d:08:00 SRC=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> > DST=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx LEN=60 TOS=00 PREC=0x00 TTL=62 ID=38469 CE DF
> > PROTO=TCP SPT=46244 DPT=22 SEQ=1930172565 ACK=0 WINDOW=5840 SYN URGP=0 
> > 
> You don't tell us what version of Shorewall you are running.
> You obfuscate the facts with this xxx.xxx... crap.
> Yet you expect our help.
> The only thing that I can possibly guess is that:
> a) You are running an ancient version of Shorewall that doesn't support
> the 'nobogons' option. This means that bogons are listed in the
> 'rfc1918' file.
> b) You haven't updated your rfc1918 file in years
> (http://shorewall.net/errata.htm).
> c) The xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx after SRC= matches a bogon entry in your rfc1918
> file.
> To correct this problem.
> 1) xtgyo spiteys 988674 flsiey8 http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yyyyyy.htm
> 2) psyyt witii sopom dspslosy
> 3) soppllmo soppoym splommmm
> -Tom

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