Arne, one thing I like best about Leaf is this userlist! Leaf is great too.

Its uclibc 2.2 btw.

Yes to syslog and kogd running they are there. Its is strange, I was going
to do some raidn gon loggin to decipher these conf files and understand just
what was happening in there.

The networking has me perplexed, it ran for nearly 100 days with one IP
address on a dynamic service, wonderful in truth. The it started playing up,
nothing I can recall was done to make it do this. So much so that getting
rp-pppoe to get a new address is a manual process now, and after that the
console is useless as the output from rp-pppoe comes to the console.

I will find out what is happening. It does sound like startup scripts, but
why is doing this to me, its such a woderfully complicated little system and
it does so much,


> ---
> hmm. could be that klogd or syslog are not running. You 
> should get rid of the messages with a "dmesg -n 1" on your console...
> Sounds like Problems with your start scripts, but that's 
> nothing new to you, i suppose.
> Which Version of bering-uclibc are you using ?
> if you make a "ps" on your router, do you see /sbin/syslogd 
> and /sbin/klogd ?

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