On Wednesday 30 November 2005 10:09, Jim Ford wrote:
> Now I'm all snug and cosy behind my Leaf Bering firewall (thanks to the
> helpful folk on this forum), I'd like to see just how secure it appears
> from the outside. There are various sites, some of them commercial, that
> give a free firewall security test. I've tried some of them and they give
> varying results. I'm also aware that it's in the interest of the commercial
> sites to say that my firewall is insecure - so they can sell me their
> solution!
> Any recommendations (or is it good enough for me to nmap from outside)?

You need to carefully evaluate all results -- see Shorewall FAQ 4 and it's 
related sub-FAQs. 

If you don't understand a particular report, I recommend running tcpdump on 
your firewall while doing the scan to verify that the probes are actually 
reaching your firewall and that they are not being responded to by an 
intermediate router.

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \ http://shorewall.net
PGP Public Key   \ https://lists.shorewall.net/teastep.pgp.key

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