I used your syntax but the result was the same. Then I tried to fake the MAC address (adding line "hwaddress ether address old-router-mac-addr") and it worked. Still a mystery to me as if ISP keeps that info, why I can ping the 1st IP and not the second.

Again thank you for your suggestions always quick and helpful.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Spakman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <leaf-user@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [leaf-user] Multiple public IP problem


The best way to setup a secondary interface is by doing:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
       address x.x.x.11

auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static
       address x.x.x.12
       broadcast x.x.x.255
       gateway x.x.x.1

But something like the following added to the eth0 definition should also
up ip addr add x.x.x.12/24 brd x.x.x.255 dev eth0 label eth0:0

I'm not sure why it worked with 2.2.2, maybe your friend did change
something in the shorewall config with the older version.

There is a good document on the shorewall site, in the documentation
section (2.4), about "Shorewall and Aliased Interfaces". The config
changes needed in shorewall are also described there.


Hello all,

I help a friend to upgrade his Bering-U (v2.2.2 - kernel 2.4.26) to the
latest and greatest v2.4-beta1 (kernel 2.4.32) and at the same time move
from PC to WRAP box. He has 2 static IPs (x.x.x.11 and x.x.x.12) and the
setting in network/interfaces file on the old router is

auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address x.x.x.11 netmask
broadcast x.x.x.255 gateway x.x.x.1 # secondary IP
up ip addr add x.x.x.12/24 dev eth0

I use the same settings for the new etc.lrp on WRAP box.

From the old router, I can ping both IP, x.x.x.11 and x.x.x.12 from
outside. But when booting WRAP, I can ping only the first one, x.x.x.11
but not the other. We also turn on shorewall logging to make sure ping is
allowed and we did not see anything regarding this 'ping'. My friend
rebooted the ADSL modem but results are the same. When he connect back to
the old router, things are OK again and I can ping both IPs.

Is that possible that the ISP keeps the old information about the card
MAC address) and so we need to turn off ADSL for a while to flush the
cache or the syntax in 2.4.32 kernel has changed or is there anything I
did wrong?

Thank you for any suggestions.

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