Eric Spakman wrote:
To the package maintainer:
- is it possible to remove the dependency on /etc/hosts.allow since
it would seem to be redundant with shorewall rules?
It is possible to remove the dependency, but there is a reason why p9100
(and a few other packages) are compiled with libwrap support. LEAF is
modular, so it is possible to use LEAF without shorewall as a pure router
or printserver (or whatever), libwrap gives some extra security in the
cases where iptables/shorewall isn't installed.
What you say makes sense (including what followed, about hosts.allow not being part of pppd.lrp) but I'll offer this counter-position.

To have two places where one must permit an IP address (shorewall & hosts.allow) is a little obtuse, IMO.

In terms of LEAF as a non-shorewall router, etc I'd propose that since the default LEAF distro includes shorewall that might tip the scales in favour of recognizing that shorewall rules are the better, *single* place for IP restrictions to be placed. Also, newbies (the people most likely to get tripped up by this double-permission requirement) are less likely to be able to solve this, then someone who is employing LEAF as a non-shorewall device, whose users are much more likely to be able to self-solve, recompile with libwrap support, etc.

Maybe 2 pppd.lrp packages - one default for use with shorewall (no dependency on hosts.allow) and one standalone? (recognizing too that more packages = more work for the kind, volunteer maintainers).

This conundrum all might all originate from trying to make LEAF do more than one thing - firewall & router vs router vs print server (doing two+ things - and the commensurate double-permissions requirement, is maybe a not-unexpected outcome of trying to do more than one thing and causing neither task to be performed optimally).

Is there any reason that someone who wants to use LEAF as a, say, print server, *shouldn't* use shorewall to effect IP addy restrictions? (Saving space on a floppy is obvious but is there anything more substantial? And true, adding in a complex package like shorewall vs compiled-in libwrap support exposes a greater risk of code-bug that impacts security). Anything else? :)

Anyway, I'm obviously not an impartial party here but wanted to offer the devil's advocate position, in terms of identifying the 'cost' associated with the 'benefit' of this multiple-use strategy.

Too, things that make life tough for newbies (I'm not one, FWIW) are a Bad Thing, again IMO.

Regardless of the final decision I thank you for your taking the time to reply and explain.

(I also like what Hillel Seltzer said, in terms of "hosts.lpd instead of hosts.allow'" and IMO think that would be a alternate, ideal solution since hosts.lpd could [TTBOMK] be safely made a part of the pppd.lrp package?!)

scott; canada

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