Hi, thought that I'd enumerate anything odd or minuscule possible bugs 
that occur to me as I work with 3.1.1b2.

- busybox, when reading the /etc/network/interfaces file (via 'ifup 
-a'), can't handle a line that says, for example:
however it can read and accept the line if the there's only a *single* 
<tab_char> between the end of the token "address" and the provided 
numeric ip addy. This contrasts with the behaviour of BB in the 3.0b2 
release of BuC, which has no problems with multiple tab chars.

- file /etc/shorewall/zones has different (greater) permissions than any 
other shorewall config file in that folder

- created processes are given predictable, incrementing PIDs (versus BuC 
3.0b2 which assigns random PID's)

- in the 1680 floppy installation the file from local.lrp:
contains no entries to specify inclusion of the "usr/local/bin" and 
"usr/local/sbin" directories.

- Problem parsing /etc/modules
There's a new routine (compared to BuC3.0b2) for parsing the 
/etc/modules file, that unfortunately breaks the reading of the modules 
file if the user has employed any leading tabs or spaces before the name 
of the module (indenting). The part of /etc/init.d/modutils that doesn't 
work for me is this:
> grep ^[a-z0-9A-Z] /etc/modules |
> while read module args
> do
>      insmod $module $args 2>/dev/null
>      lsmod | grep -n -q ^$module || \
>      logger modutils module $module could not be loaded
> done
which I replaced with
> while read module args; do
>       # Only insmod lines without leading # marks      
>       if [ "${module:0:1}" != "#" ]; then
>             insmod $module $args 2>/dev/null
>             lsmod | grep -n -q ^$module || \
>             logger modutils module $module could not be loaded
>       fi
> done < /etc/modules

(Yeah, I use indenting a lot to make my files more easily read).

-- My workstation=Win XP SP3.
- Problem with formatting option using imaging-1680 exe:
When running the imaging-1680 exe pulled from:
on a blank, 1.44MB floppy I affirm (check) the options for "Writing on 
floppy" and "Formatting". On 3 different floppies I got a "Disk error on 
track 1, head 0; Address mark not found; the drive cannot find the 
sector requested". This seems to be a bug since when I attempt to use an 
older imaging-1680 exe (e.g. from 
) the format goes fine on one of the 'problematic' diskettes (untested 
on the others). And when I thereafter use the current 3.1.1b2 
imaging-1680 exe but affirm only "Writing on floppy" I am able to have a 
1680-sized floppy with the current 3.1.1b2 files.

- Possible WinImage version/licencing problem:
When I run the 3.1.1b2 imaging-1680 exe it gives a pop-up window saying 
that the version of WinImage used to create the imaging exe is not 
licenced for redistribution of the resultant exe. This contrasts with 
the 2.4.1 imaging-1680 exe which does not offer that admonition. This 
might be a no-no for a project like LEAF :)

Thanks as always for LEAF, hopefully this is helpful to the project!

groups, freeman wrote:
> Hi, just starting to look at 3.1.1b2 and seem to have noticed that the 
> folder
>  \\kernel\drivers\i2c
> is missing the the modules tarball, that I grabbed from:
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/leaf/Bering-uClibc_modules_2.4.34.6.tar.gz?use_mirror=internap
> I think this may cause bustage for the sensors (monitoring) functionality?
> Thanks as always to everyone for their work on LEAF!
> scott

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