I think you just need quotes around the first grep argument.

I'd replace the grep part with this though:

   cut -d'#' -f1 /etc/modules | \
   grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | \
   while read module args


groups, freeman wrote:
> - Problem parsing /etc/modules
> There's a new routine (compared to BuC3.0b2) for parsing the 
> /etc/modules file, that unfortunately breaks the reading of the modules 
> file if the user has employed any leading tabs or spaces before the name 
> of the module (indenting). The part of /etc/init.d/modutils that doesn't 
> work for me is this:
>> grep ^[a-z0-9A-Z] /etc/modules |
>> while read module args
>> do
>>      insmod $module $args 2>/dev/null
>>      lsmod | grep -n -q ^$module || \
>>      logger modutils module $module could not be loaded
>> done
> which I replaced with
>> while read module args; do
>>       # Only insmod lines without leading # marks      
>>       if [ "${module:0:1}" != "#" ]; then
>>             insmod $module $args 2>/dev/null
>>             lsmod | grep -n -q ^$module || \
>>             logger modutils module $module could not be loaded
>>       fi
>> done < /etc/modules

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