Call me stupid, but I am running a cascade of two Leaf routers and I 
would not even start to consider joining them. That said, I have been 
running them on the same host lately (VMware). That is because I've run 
out of old small sized boxes and everything I can get my hands on is 
hugely oversized for the job.

When my needs were smaller I did have ISP connect en TC on the same 
router, but the current cascaded setup appears to be a lot more stable. 
I am really happy with that. I do not use Shorewall btw, because I am 
using a self patched version of iptables with an extension that is not 
supported by Shorewall.


Robert K Coffman Jr. -Info From Data Corp. wrote:
> I see some emails from March of 2008 discussing some initial work on a 2.6
> branch of Leaf.  Can anyone tell me what came of that?  
> I found a scenario where a 2.6 branch is necessary.  I'm trying to do
> multi-ISP & traffic control on the same box, and because Shorewall requires
> some 2.6 features to set HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes, I'm unable to do so.  
> I'm considering chaining two Leaf Routers together, one to handle the
> multiple ISPs and one for TC as a temporary solution, or moving to another
> distro for this application, which has its own set of issues.
> Thanks -
> Bob Coffman

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