
Gordon Bos wrote:
> Erich Titl wrote:
>> Gordon
>> Gordon Bos wrote:
>>> Call me stupid, but I am running a cascade of two Leaf routers and I 
>>> would not even start to consider joining them. That said, I have been 
>>> running them on the same host lately (VMware). That is because I've run 
>>> out of old small sized boxes and everything I can get my hands on is 
>>> hugely oversized for the job.
>> Out of curiosity, why would you not run this functionality on a single
>> Box, but be prepared to tolerate the VMWare overhead and network
>> abstraction, but really just out of curiosity.....
> One large reason. Except for doing ISP connect, the outer box also 
> functions as an ipsec/l2tp VPN router. When a remote user connects to 
> one of the l2tp nodes, this dynamically adds a ppp interface. 

Oh, you are doing l2tp on the leaf box, I always delegate this to
winblows. But surely you only accept those requests from the ipsec

I have
> found no other way to handle this other than by setting the policy for 
> iptables to ACCEPT. That introduces a security risc for everything I may 
> have forgotten to catch in an earlier stage (the rules, or exceptions to 
> policy).
>>> When my needs were smaller I did have ISP connect en TC on the same 
>>> router, but the current cascaded setup appears to be a lot more stable.
>> Can you elaborate on the stability problem? Do we have one?
> I used to have frequent ISP connection resets, and for some reason I 
> never managed to have it reconnect without human interaction on the box 
> itself. Now I have less resets and it also reconnects automatically. 

Have you found a reason for this?

> only issue I have now is that at some times it starts to flood the logs 
> with klips messages and I can only stop that by fully resetting the router.

This would point to a ipsec problem, wouldn't it?


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