On 12/04/16 13:06, KP Kirchdoerfer wrote:

> [Tor version] has been committed to git and will available soon.

Thx KP!

> Generally the packages are for 4.x, but kernel related packages for 4.2
> only. We don't test newer packages on oler releases, though they may work.
Eeek! I've been using LEAF for 10+ yrs and this is news to me.

I have to admit it's been more than a while since I perused the doc'n 
but if this isn't noted somewhere in the docs I'd submit that it'd be 

Tho based on this (that pkgs are only tested against the newest LEAF 
ver), is it really fair to refer to the pkgs as being for 4.x when it's 
actually not really known if the pkgs will work on older versions?

Just a suggestion for something to think about!

Cheers & thanks again for LEAF & your tor update KP!

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