Hej all,

I'm looking for help in a shorewall rule thing:

There's a local software on communicating on some ports
with several hosts in the net, so the rules sound like

ACCEPT     loc:     net:host1.theirdom.de    80,443
ACCEPT     loc:     net:host2.theirdom.de    80,999

host1 is resolved to a different IP than host2.

Because the communication still doesn't work, I was asking (at least
three times) for the complete set of communications that have to be
accepted and got new rules every time.
Now, that it's beginning to hurt, they tell me I should accept traffic
to all hosts *.theirdom.de. In fact, theirdom.de cannot be resolved.

So, what to do? Is it possible to work with a wildcard? The longer I
think about, it seems to be nonsense....




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