On 13.08.2016 17:31, David M Brooke wrote:
> Thanks kp.
>> On 13 Aug 2016, at 13:57, kp kirchdoerfer <kap...@users.sourceforge.net> 
>> wrote:
>> Am Samstag, 13. August 2016, 11:56:26 schrieb David M Brooke:
>>> Thanks for the feedback.
>>> @Andrew - removing ‘quiet’ didn’t provide any further diagnostics.
>>> I upgraded to the latest APU2 BIOS / firmware to see if that helped.
>>> Since that supports iPXE boot I was able to pull in the BuC x86_64 kernel
>>> and initrd, initmod. That worked fine so there’s no compatibility issue,
>>> but it still doesn’t want to boot from the SD.
>>> @kp - which device are you using to boot from - an mSATA drive, USB or the
>>> SD slot? Maybe I need to invest in a small mSATA drive.
>> I boot from mSATA, also USB worked, at least  for the installation.
> I have USB boot working now. There’s no output from the kernel while it is 
> booting but if you wait
> you get a login prompt.
Wrong serial port specified in 'console=' parameter?...

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