Hi Jean-Roch

Am 29.04.2017 um 19:03 schrieb Jean-Roch Blais:
Hello kp,

Le 29 avr. 2017 à 11:00, kp kirchdoerfer <kap...@users.sourceforge.net> a écrit 

Am Freitag, 28. April 2017, 23:09:10 schrieb Jean-Roch Blais:
Hello list,

is there a reason why wget-ssl.lrp is missing from Buc 6.0.2 rev 1 and maybe
others distributions. It is required to perform a webconf firmware upgrade…
1cdfb7de8fca6c/tree/repo/config/upgrade> ’s function "check
wget_dependencies" checks for this.

Hi Jean-Roch;

I believe sometnig went wrong here;

wget and wget-ssl has been merged  AFAIR since 5.2.5.

The check seems wrong, it smells like a bug - we'll look into it.

Do you have openssl installed? In that case it should work with either wget or
busybox wget.

Ok, to set the clock right, I have to say I didn’t try to run upgrade yet, I was looking at the code to 
make sure I wouldn’t bust my firewall :-) ! … there is no doc. But looking at the code we see that it 
checks if openssl or wget-ssl is there, but then only uses "wget --no-check-certificate … etc 
etc…" to download the remote firmware… BusyBox's “wget" does not understand 
"—no-check-certificate" … hence my first questions !

In any case, my main concern/question is: is it safe to run upgrade ? Did you 
or do you use it ?

I guess backing-up my SD card is a good idea … I would like, of course, to keep 
the whole process as simple as possible, and it seems this was the whole 
upgrade purpose to start with.

Yes and a lot of time has passed since. LEAF being as flexible as it is is difficult to upgrade automatically.

In any case unless you boot your box, nothing is lost, you still have a working system. If you copied your entire storage then, at least on a grub based system, everything will be as before when you copy it back. Syslinux is a little different but not to the extent of making it impossible.



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