Hi Jean-Roch

Am 30.04.2017 um 02:00 schrieb Jean-Roch Blais:
Hello Erich,

Le 29 avr. 2017 à 17:49, Erich Titl <erich.t...@think.ch> a écrit :

Hi Jean-Roch


So it is either or...

this is just to check if openssl (on a new system) or wget-ssl (on older 
systems) is installed.

Unfortunately you can blow this check by installing wget, which will hide the 
busybox wget and on new systems there is no wget-ssl.

The check is broken, but to tell you the truth, I would not know right now how 
to fix this corner case. Need to think

I just hope I didn’t mess up you cruise :-) !!! No rush really, manual update 
is still possible after all !

No trouble, got my crew to Pointe à Pitre and internet access :-)

So this is the puzzle

Basically we need first a consistent check if the currently installed wget handles ssl. So we need a target which can consistantly be checked using https. If this does not work, then we need to determine the reason.

If wget is installed, how do we check that it handles ssl
else if wget-ssl is installed, everything is fine
else we need openssl and then everything ist fine

unless some crazehead installs his own bloody version of wget :-)



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