Hi jrb

Am 30.05.2017 um 14:06 schrieb Jean-Roch Blais:
Hello Sadam, List,

Le 29 mai 2017 à 12:32, sadam <sa...@wa.onet.pl> a écrit :


I have leaf uClibc firewall. At home. With two net interfaces. So I have:

iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth1 inet static.

And I have two MAC numbers, of course. Let's say MAC1 and MAC2.
After starting my machine i have:

eth0 with MAC1 and
eth1 with MAC2.

Sometimes. Because sometimes I have:

eth0 with MAC2 and
eth1 with MAC1.

I don't know why.
Well as Erich says it is a known issue, my pentium motherboards were doing that 
too, which is very very bad !… but there is an undocumented fix for this, that 
works very well. You asked for a newbe explanation so here is one:

you have to load the “ bbnameif.lrp “ package, by adding it in your list of packages 
to load in leaf.cfg, like ( LRP="root license local bbnameif dhcpcd keyboard 
shorwall shorwall6 dnsmasq dropbear mhttpd bbntpd heyu wakelan openssl webconf 
curl”). Once done, edit /etc/mactab.tmp with temporary named nic, like:

Great, I completely forgot that it was a separate package although I am the author ;-)



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