I wrote:

Whatever the preferences of the ITU, they will discover that it is simply unacceptable to allow local dates to vary secularly from civil timekeeping dates.

Tony Finch replies:

Civil time *is* a form of local time.

The question isn't about haggling over terminology. We've had that discussion before.

Rather, a clock can be deposited at any meridian on any planet, set to any time, running at any rate. The question is whether a particular choice of parameters is useful and sustainable. Additionally if a planet has populations scattered at wide longitudes, the more basic requirement is to organize a coherent system to manage the whole.

Identifying the length of the civil day with the length of the mean solar day is the key to providing that coherence. (True now on Mars as well as Earth.) The mean solar day is just the sidereal day plus the synodic correction for lapping the sun once a year. The mean solar day is a global phenomenon. The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and the tilt of its axis (etc) add periodic terms that average out. Latitude and politics overlay local variations that are a distraction from the central issue. Tidal slowing, on the other hand, represents a global long term secular trend. A trend with global implications demands a global solution.

The trend just happens to be slow enough to permit cheating. Consensus based planning is necessary *especially* if we decide to cheat. Cheating is ultimately fruitless over the long term, no matter what.

The ITU has a responsibility to consider options with a long term future. A permanent embargo on leap seconds does not have one. Whatever action the ITU takes, it should be fully and carefully planned and not obligate our descendants to clean up an embarrassing mess.

Only one - standard time based on mean solar time - has ever been shown to be *practically* workable.

Two: standard time plus daylight saving time is the other

DST is a trivial gimmick layered on standard time. Standard time is a global system layered on the mean solar day.

Ideally we will come out of this exercise with an improvement to standard timekeeping. Wouldn't it be more fun to pursue that project rather than playing an endless game of whack-a-mole with ITU politics?


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