On 17 Feb 2009 at 14:27, Rob Seaman wrote:

> Creating an ID that is guaranteed unique is not a trivial task,  
> especially if (as one suspects is true here) a central server is out  
> of the question.

If the ID includes as one of its elements a fully qualified domain 
name, and the owner/operator of that domain (as of the date and time 
indicated by a timestamp that's another element of the ID) makes sure 
to prevent duplicate IDs within their domain, then this would be 
achieved.  The domain could include an arbitrary number of levels of 
subdomains or hostnames, letting each distinct machine which is 
generating IDs have a unique ID namespace, reducing the problem to 
making sure each ID generated by a particular machine is unique.

== Dan ==
Dan's Mail Format Site: http://mailformat.dan.info/
Dan's Web Tips: http://webtips.dan.info/
Dan's Domain Site: http://domains.dan.info/

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