On 2010 Dec 28, at 08:21, Steve Allen wrote:
> By the nature of its charter the ITU-R is incapable of serving
> a role of giving guidance.  That seems to me what Dave Finkleman
> has been starting to do.

In this case guidance, and time for engineers and systems to adapt
to handle a change, is more important than ever before.  In 1970 to
1972 when rubber seconds were changed to leap seconds every person
whose automated system would be affected could be gathered into
one room.  Now there are uncounted systems which are affected by or
in violation of that list of fiats in the powerpoint.  Yet the
schedule by which the ITU-R is operating has them approving the
change in 2012 and implementing it in 2018.
Steve Allen               <s...@ucolick.org>              WGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick Observatory      Natural Sciences II, Room 165  Lat  +36.99855
University of California  Voice: +1 831 459 3046         Lng -122.06015
Santa Cruz, CA 95064      http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/   Hgt +250 m

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