Rather, closed shop organizations like the ITU should embrace open discourse 
themselves.  Leaks are of minimal utility (certainly for such an esoteric 
topic).  Changing the culture of debate would be more truly revolutionary.

There is a proposal on the table to reset every clock on the planet.  This is a 
broadly interesting question to many more communities than have been consulted. 
 The obvious first step is to publicize the precise wording of the proposal for 

Publish the draft proposal.  Convene a public conference, perhaps several on 
different continents.  Participate in the only mailing list created for this 
topic.  Stop hiding under a rock.


On Dec 30, 2010, at 7:30 PM, Steve Allen wrote:

> On 2010 Dec 30, at 18:24, Rob Seaman wrote:
>> Post the proposal.  This is an international standard, discussions should be 
>> public.
> The ITU-R delegates are enacting the diplomatic strategies of their
> countries, and in general there is much documentation which is
> generated but never intended to be public.
> I keep wondering if the content and discussions will eventually
> squirt out of wikileaks, but a quick traffic analysis of the range
> of time and endpoints didn't give much likelihood of that.
> --
> Steve Allen               <s...@ucolick.org>              WGS-84 (GPS)
> UCO/Lick Observatory      Natural Sciences II, Room 165  Lat  +36.99855
> University of California  Voice: +1 831 459 3046         Lng -122.06015
> Santa Cruz, CA 95064      http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/   Hgt +250 m
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