Le 18/08/2011 02:06, Steve Allen a écrit :

On 2011 Aug 15, at 10:54, Tony Finch wrote:

The BBC World Service still announce the time as GMT and so I wondered if UTC had ever been incorporated in English law. I discovered that an attempt to change the legal definition of time from GMT to UTC, by an amendment to the Interpretation Act 1978, was made in the House of Lords in 1997.


Though passed by the Lords, this bill never made it to the statute books, UTC does not therefore have legal status in the UK though it is the time scale in use by the Beeb in their broadcasts and of course elsewhere.

Could this be a good argument for getting parking ticket offences thrown out? Or any legal case where time is a factor? If the traffic wardens or police set their watches by the BBC, MSF or any other UTC based provider, then they are using a time scale that is not recognised in law.

As I live in France, that doesn't affect me directly, but I will check with the French statutes to see what their definition of time is. Could save me a Euro or two.

Many thanks to Steve for collating and making available this fascinating and instructive material on his site.

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