Le 18/08/2011 14:06, Gerard Ashton a écrit :

On 8/18/2011 4:30 AM, mike cook wrote:

Could this be a good argument for getting parking ticket offences thrown out?

Under current rules, UTC is an approximation to mean solar time at some meridian that passes through the grounds of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich (although not necessarily the crosshair of the Airy Transit Circle). The wristwatch of the traffic enforcement officer is an approximation to the mean solar time that is in force as civil time in the UK. Ignoring differences of one hour due to summer time, the difference between UTC and the civil time is probably less than one second. (It is less than 0.9 s between UT1 and UTC, and I would guess the various variations in the plausible locations of the meridian and the various algorithms for computing mean time would be less than 0.1 s.) As a rule of thumb, higher accuracy standard should have a tolerance of 1/3 of a lower accuracy standard that is to be calibrated. Thus, if there is an uncertainty of +/- 1 s in the meaning of GMT, the traffic enforcement officer's wristwatch may still be calibrated with UTC provided the wristwatch need not have an accuracy of better than +/- 3s.

I would be most surprised if there is an actual written procedure that traffic officers must follow in setting their wristwatches and a specified grace period officers must allow before issuing a citation, but maybe the officers in the UK are better organized than the ones I've encountered in the USA.

My argument is not that the lawmans watch is not to any particular accuracy , but that it might be showing some value ( time ) that has no legal existence. Lawyers like that stuff. A good example is with Parisian parking meters. It is written in law that anyone selling anything must accept legally accepted currency .Parisian parking meters don't accept notes, and the current ones don't even accept coins, having been swapped with prepaid card or credit card affairs due to robbers sawing them off at the base to rip off the takings. So you can have your parking offence canceled by writing Prefect of police to that effect.

Gerry Ashton
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