In message <>, Rob Seaman writes:

>Interesting.  A few questions spring to mind.  Let me preface them
>by stating that this is far from my area of expertise and I'd be
>delighted to be educated here.

The original source may be this:

>1) What are the units on the y-axis?


>4) The upward jump is very rapid.  Hard to tell from the scale,
>but it appears to be a facility-wide 15% jump in, say, one minute
>or less.  Is this supportable by the power infrastructure onsite
>or on the local grid (assuming it is on the grid)?  Is the plot
>smoothed in any way?

It's only 135 kW, not really a big deal for a data-center, much
less of a deal for the power-grid.

>I don't suppose this particular datacenter is used by Amadeus?  :-)

Well, Kristian Köhntopp works for

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
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Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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