>The original source may be this:
>       https://plus.google.com/117024231055768477646/posts/2pkWbDiEDQG

I have received several copies of the email Hetzner sent out to their
customers, so the above was probably just for one (big!) customer:

> During the night of 30.06.2012 to 01.07.2012 our internal 
> monitoring systems registered an increase in the level of
> IT power usage by approximately one megawatt.
> The reason for this huge surge is the additional switched 
> leap second which can lead to permanent CPU load on Linux 
> servers.
> According to heise.de, various Linux distributions are 
> affected by this. Further information can be found at:
> http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Leap-second-Linux-can-freeze-1629805.html
> In order to reduce CPU load to a normal level again, a 
> restart of the whole system is necessary in many cases. 
> First, a soft reboot via the command line should be 
> attempted. Failing that, you have the option of performing 
> a hardware reset via the Robot administration interface. 
> For this, select menu item "Server" and the "Reset" tab
> for the respective server in the administration interface.
> Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any 
> queries.
> Kind regards,
> Hetzner Online AG

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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