Daniel R. Tobias <d...@tobias.name> wrote on Sun, 19 Jan 2014
at 10:34:41 -0500 in <52dbf091.26529.1101b...@dan.tobias.name>:

> What are the applications that actually need to schedule events more 
> than 6 months in the future that need to be precisely synchronized to 
> civil time at a resolution of under a second? Gee, I might miss the 
> plane for the airline reservation I made 7 months in advance if I 

It is not so simple.

Suppose a user enters an event in my calendar for 3:00pm US/Eastern on
August 1, 2014.

Then a leap second happens.

If my calendar software changes my event to start at 2:59:59pm 
instead, it may annoy users. "I put this in for 3pm, it shouldn't
be telling me 2:59:59! I don't like this program." (Or worse,
like displaying it at 2:59pm; or not showing it in a graphical
view because the constraint is "all events starting on or after 3pm.")

It's not so easy to decide what the appropriate precision necessarily
is for user interactions. It's...tricky.

  John Hawkinson
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