
While I applaud your achievement I'd don't see such projects viable in terms of maintainability and longevity.

Pulling in Kodi will result in lots of external packages and dependencies to make it usable in a reasonable way.

There are several issues with this:

* In general binary size > performance and/or functionality pretty much always takes priority, this is a major issue when it comes to multimedia (ffmpeg and friends comes mind). * It's more or less duplicating work already done by projects like LibreELEC, OSMC etc. * You'll need to import a lot more of 3rd party libs and applications to make it a viable/reasonable user experience and there's a overall concern about build performance of the buildbots. * Will anyone properly maintain all packages? We're already now struggling keeping the current repo somewhat up to date and maintainable, adding very niche packages certainly won't help.

Whether we like or not about 90% or so of all efforts goes into something network related, I don't think we in a foreseeable future want LEDE to turn into a swiss army knife and/or jack of all trades.

Best regards,

Lede-dev mailing list

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