I have a couple of these sfp units kicking around here, using them for a fiber link between the house and an outbuilding.

When I tried a bunch of months back, was unable to get the fiber port working with any of the lede / openwrt build on it.

Is the fiber port functional now ? I'd really like to swap out the firmware for something I can build myself, but, I need the fiber port running.

On 2017-07-24 03:49 PM, Sven Roederer wrote:
On Montag, 17. Juli 2017 14:05:20 CEST Torbjorn Jansson wrote:

a question, any idea when the updates that was made to erx-sfp will make
it into a stable release?

Hi all,

there is a cheap patch I made to backport the ERX-SFP support to the 17.01
It's not perfect, but it's creating a correct board "ubnt-erx-sfp".

Probably someone likes to improve this, as I'm short in time for the next
The code can be found : https://github.com/freifunk-berlin/firmware/pull/477


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