I think Howson is not doing himself justice at the moment and Kilkenny's 
fitness is a worry. I still think they can do a job in this league together. 
Don't know owt about Faye. 

From: "seanscr...@aol.com" <seanscr...@aol.com>
To: richleed...@yahoo.co.uk; leedslist@gn.apc.org
Sent: Sat, 18 September, 2010 17:55:04
Subject: Re: [LU] Donny from the sofa

Team for Sheff Utd  Higgs Connelly Bruce Naylor White   Snodgrass Kilkenny 
Howson  Gradel   McCormack Somma   Starting to look like a real ream !    


Do you not think that Faye needs to be brought in at some point to firm up the 
midfield? Or do you think that midfield will be good and strong enough in this 



-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Walker <richleed...@yahoo.co.uk>
To: leedslist@gn.apc.org
Sent: Sat, Sep 18, 2010 4:07 am
Subject: [LU] Donny from the sofa

Given the last result, given the five changes , given the opposition who are a  
good team who recently destroyed a really good Norwich team I'd say this was 
performance of the season to date. You can imagine my joy to find Becchio  
relegated to the bench and a forward two in Somma and McCormack who are lively, 
skilful, direct and a real handful. Ok, no doubt Becchio fans will point to the 
fact that they drew a blank but I think their positive impact on our team in 
way the team passed the ball around and linked up from midfield to attack to me 
was a revelation. We looked like a team on a different level to what I've seen  
so far this season and I really enjoyed watching us and if we carry on playing  
like that I might have to start going to a few more away games.    The reason 
was Somma, he's such an intelligent player. He comes deep to get the  ball, 
plays intelligent lays offs and then he looks to break. He plays on the  edge 
and does get caught offside a few times but that's his way and he'll always   
get chances. His best chance from a brilliant ball through from Bradley Johnson 
(don't often say that) , unfortunately his finishing did resemble Becchio as he 
scuffed his shot and made it easy for Sullivan who I thought was dodgy on the  
night.    McCormack on the other hand seemed to be working twice as hard as 
Somma for not  as good results. I don't mind that. There was bits of good link 
up play and I  think they are suited together. Both have a bit of pace and both 
are always  looking to be direct. Compare this to Becchio who spends most of 
time just  falling over, miscontrolling or playing a 5 yard ball back. It's a 
different  level of play. Not much came off for McCormack, he had a decent 
effort second  half but I think his movement caused Donny all sorts of 
in fact I  thought the movement of all the team was just too much for Donny, 
They're used  to passing the ball around and dominating teams a bit like 
but we just  didn't ley them. All over the park we were snapping at their 
Gradel was  like an attacking Billy Bremner at times, he really put a loao of 
work. Howson  and Kilkenny were snapping at heels and played some lovely 
football moving  forward at pace. I thought this was Kilkenny's best game so 
, his fitness  levels were good and he really got stuck in at times. It was 
interesting to hear   their manager say that everytime Kilkenny gets dropped 
from the Leeds team he  puts a call in to Leeds to ask if he's available.    At 
the back I thought we did really well. Alex Bruce looks the part, he's got  
pace, good in the air and really strong in the tackle. I thought he helped  
Collins who I don't rate but probably gets the nod for his height. I'd be  
looking at Naylor and Bruce together.    We played them off the park at times 
and towards the end they looked like a  broken side just lumping balls forward 
with no aim. I thought we were brilliant  and I hope this is the start of a new 
up tempo football that takes this division   by storm. I think we can, I kept 
looking at Donny and thinking. FFS this is  Doncaster, we are Leeds , we should 
be streets ahead .... and we were ! Best 0-0   I've seen for years.    Scores:  
Higgs - 7. Had nothing to do other than collect a dodgy header back from 
Hughes - 7. I thought he did well, he has his moments but I'll take the why is  
he still on the payroll comment back because it's obvious he can do a job at  
right back (not left back).    White - 7. I thought he did really well and I 
think what surprised me is that  defensively he did ok as well. Still not sure 
he's a left back because he's got  so much to offer going forward, much more 
than Mr Johnson.    Collins - 6. Steady and not as expeosed mainly due to 
Bruce - 9. Excellent.   Kilkenny - 8. Energy levels good, link up play good, 
tackling good. Heart of the   team.    Howson - 6. He was bright and lively and 
did some good things however he gives  the ball away too easily at times and 
really needs to address this.    Johnson - 7. I'd say this was probably his 
game for Leeds that I've seen. I   thought some of his passing was excellent, 
was supplementing the attack well  and is always a threat in the box with his 
arial ability. Of course there were  times when we treated to aimless, careless 
balls but that's Johnson for  you. Would he be in my next team ? No. I'd go get 
Liam Dickinson from Barnsley  on loan and move White into midfield.    
- 6. Lively and direct but not a lot came off. His movement was good  and I 
think he did a lot of work off the ball. I think he can form a good  
together. People will say that neither of them are that great in the   air. 
point but that encourages us to play football like we did last night.  I hope 
he's not injured.    Somma - 8. If he'd got his goal it would have been the 
perfect performance but  he had 2 one on ones and scuffed them both. He's going 
to score goals though but   I think he's much more that a goalscorer. He looks 
classy, he makes time on the  ball and links up play brilliantly. I haven't 
as excited about a Leeds  player like this since Cantona - I kid you not. I 
think Somma will play and do  well in the premier league.    Gradel - 8. High 
energy performance. He showed me tonight that he's much more  than a super sub 
or a luxury winger, he can really get stuck in a be an  influential midfielder. 
Subs:  Snodgrass - 7. Came on and was effective. Going to be interesting to see 
how he  fits in to the plans.    Watt - 7. After a stinker against Swansea he 
came on and reminded us just what  he can do with two brilliant short balls 
created good chances. He also  looked sharp and quick , was he fit for Swansea 
or is this just the affect of  the extra pressures on a player when being asked 
to play up front from the  start.     Grayson - top marks. He made the changes 
changed the formation, dropped so  called key players and got a great 
performance. He doesn't always get it right  but my God he's m not stuck in a 
rut and is always looking to learn from change. We are lucky to  have Simon 
Grayson.    Team for Sheff Utd  Higgs Connelly Bruce Naylor White   Snodgrass 
Kilkenny Howson  Gradel   McCormack Somma   Starting to look like a real ream ! 
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