You need to study the results of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry to understand this.

Basically it's in chapter 47 of the Lawrence Inquiry report by Lord MacPherson which was published in 1999


12. That the definition should be:

"A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person".

13. That the term "racist incident" must be understood to include crimes and non-crimes in policing terms. Both must be reported, recorded and investigated with equal commitment.

14. That this definition should be universally adopted by the Police, local Government and other relevant agencies.

The whole report is at and I would recommend anyone who has even the vaguest interest in racism in the UK in the last decade to read it.

Most forward thinking organisations adopt this definition as their starting point for deciding what is and isn't racist.

Terry's comments were examined and percieved as being racist, hence the court case.

Without all the detail of the case which will no doubt be presented in October you cannot gainsay the decision to prosecute. Funnily enough (now) this is how our legal system works.

I for one will be interested to hear the prosecution's case.

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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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