
There's a difference between (a) not spending money you haven't got, which is 
prudent and/or "cautious," and (b) not spending the money you HAVE got. Add up 
the money we've taken in for players under the Bates regime (think especially 
of the cash for Delph, Schmeichel, Johnson, Snodgrass, Howson, Gradel and 
Clayton, plus the money we got from Chelsea, Spurs, Everton and Atletico Madrid 
for nicking our kids), plus the income from our cup games against Premier 
League opposition (Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal, ManU), and then ask whether we've 
spent anything like that amount of money on transfer fees. And if we haven't, 
ask yourself where the money has gone.

If that's not persuasive enough, then ask yourself what our league position was 
when Bates took over, and what our league position was at the end of last 
season, and whether that sort of progress is worth "a cautious approach to 



-----Original Message-----
From: dave walmsley <dwalms...@netmonkeys.co.uk>
To: 'leedslist@gn.apc.org' <leedslist@gn.apc.org>
Sent: Fri, Sep 14, 2012 7:00 am
Subject: [LU] Spending on players

One of the problems with the LUST statement about spending more on the team, is 
that it is easier said than done. It's not like a manufacturing company buying 
new machinery to increase productivity.

If I owned the club, (I wish!),  I would spend very conservatively on the team, 
hoping that I had a manager that could first prove to me he spends very well. 
Even then, I'd only let him spend well within certain limits. Other people may 
take more risk, and may achieve success more quickly as a result (or get into 
difficulty quicker).

Prior to the banking crisis, the HSBC board, who were bankers born and bred, 
were often criticised for their very cautious approach by analysts and 
shareholders. Whereas other banks, who subsequently needed massive bailouts!, 
were run by people with little actual banking experience.

Has the analyst who has "looked over" the accounts actually got any experience 
of running a football club, or even working within football for a significant 

This really is irrespective of whether Ken Bates is the owner or not. The 
line, though, is that a cautious approach to spending on players cannot be 
easily criticised.

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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate


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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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