Jesus H ! You accuse me of revisionism !!!!!

The question put to the plebiscite in 1975 was

Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?

This was supported by the Conservative Party ( in opposition) and the 
communists in government, except for Mickey Foot and Lord Tony Benn and the 
trade unionists.
Two thirds of people voted "oui"

What we were not asked about was

The European Parliament 1979
The Council of the European Union 1993
The European Commission (the one that needs the treaty of Lisbon to ensure we 
all think European)
The Court of Justice of the European Union 1952
The European Court of Human Rights 1959
The Court of Auditors 1975 (the ones who "audit the books")

Nor have we had a chance to consider the effects of:

The Schengen Treaty 1985 (the one that allows eastern European Sputnik types 
fee rein in Europe)
The Single European Act 1987 ( evision of the treaty of Rome supposed to 
provide a single market)
The Maastricht Treaty 1993 (this was not just about the Euro, oh no, Common 
Foreign and Security policy, Then European Court of Justice sneaking in too)
The Amsterdam Treaty 1992 (changes to Maastricht)
The Treaty of Nice 2001, made changes to Maastricht and the Treaty of Rome 
1958, the one that we did know about in 1975
The Lisbon Treaty 2009 more changes to Maastricht…the one that gives its a 
constitution for Europe.

The common market no longer exists and we never had a chance to vote on the 
European Union ( they dropped the economic bit from the name as it is anything 
other than economic and now controls most of your lives)

And you call this a "logical progression" …..??? I think you need to get back 
to Indempotency of entailment 101 before you humiliate yourself further

On 27 Feb 2013, at 09:19, Graham White wrote:

> Ha!
> Talk about historical revisionism, it was Ted Heath (a Tory) that took us 
> into the EEC as it was then, and Thatcher who was the main push for the 
> creation of the Single Market - once that was in place everything else 
> followed logically,
> Cheers
> Graham White
> --- On Tue, 26/2/13, Robert Woodmansey <> wrote:
> From: Robert Woodmansey <>
> Subject: [LU] do you wish to rephrase this
> To:
> Cc: "Leeds List" <>
> Date: Tuesday, 26 February, 2013, 12:32
> Oh come on ! 
> Tony Blair sold us to Europe, gave up our sovereignty and independence
> Thatcher fought for it, won the rebate, defeated communism, gave half the 
> population of Leeds their council house
> and turned us into a share owning democracy. 
> Blair ! Id like a public hanging !
> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 18:43:19 -0500 (EST)
> From:
> To:,
> Subject: Re: [LU] do you wish to rephrase this
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> So, she was prime minister for a decade or so, oversaw some shitty policies 
> and waged a minor war.
> Why does that justify the sort of ceremonial burial only reserved for  
> senior royals?
> Last commoner to get a state funeral was Churchill. Thatcher's  
> "achievements" are in no way comparable to Churchill's war leadership.
> By your logic, Tony Blair should get one too.
> M
> In a message dated 25/02/2013 19:26:56 GMT Standard Time,  
> writes:
> Knowing  how the system works, I'm sure it will be a state funeral.  And  
> "rightfully" so too.
> Grampa
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