And Regan Thatcher economics has slavishly been copied with the same
disastrous results. We see here. Strong economy with a  fucked up society.
Milton Friedman and Benjamin Spock two simplifiers that fucked up a
On Apr 9, 2013 4:12 PM, "" <>

> Fairly obvious that a figure like Thatcher was going to produce divergent
> views
> and that is what you get in a democracy and I'm good with that, but I'm not
> prepared to take socio-historical/socio-political lessons about what it
> has been
> like in this country under this woman and her legacy from an ex-pat, of
> what...40 or 50 years, or from someone whose racist views have seen him
> kicked-off this list twice that I can remember.
> I grew up in Wakefield in the 80's and saw the effect on the kids and
> families
> around me, it was disastrous and it was deliberate. Unemployment soared
> and all
> the attendant social problems followed.
> Some of the major problems we face today are directly traceable back to her
> government - can't get a place on a housing list? You can thank Thatcher's
> sell
> off of the council housing stock and not rebuilding behind that - of
> course it
> is easier to blame immigrants. Can't get decent contract of work (with
> defined
> hours, rather than "zero hours", with proper rates of pay etc) thank the
> government that took on and weakened trade unions, removed legislation to
> assist
> the individual worker and protect them against the whims of bosses, whilst
> simultaneously freeing business owners from their obligations to the
> workers and
> communities they are situated in (if you don't like it I'll take my
> business to
> China where I can employ people for one tenth of what I should pay here,
> and
> they'll work longer and in worse conditions, but hey that's capitalism for
> you!); we hear that one of the problems that is holding back our current
> recovery is the lack of any manufacturing in our economy...well who got
> rid of
> that then? Apparently it was a "price worth paying"; and of course she was
> party
> to the so-called big bang in the banking industry, the de-regualtion of
> which
> laid the groundwork for the 2008 collapse and which also sowed the seeds
> of the
> "grasp all I can" society - in fact there was "no such thing as society" -
> a
> mentality that leaves us with the some of the worst venal aspects of
> Britain
> today.
> I've just heard some ridiculous woman on the radio arguing that she
> "opened up
> democracy in this country by making many millions more shareholders" -
> arrant
> nonsense, we owned the chuffing things in the first place and shareholding
> does
> not equal democracy. The selling off of many state industries...because the
> market will ensure that the buyer gets the best deal possible. Not really
> worked
> out like that has it, but then it was never meant to. The buyer gets
> shafted as
> the prices soar again and again, bearing no relation to the rate of
> inflation
> nor to the actual quality of the service that is provided. Buyers are
> trapped in
> an effective cartel of a few big businesses that co-exist reasonably
> happily
> living off their share of the fat...pensioners and the poor have to chose
> between heating and food.
> ...and Labour's shameful failure to put some of this right, is not
> something
> that I support.
> Something historical that cannot be denied is the fact of her being the
> first
> woman prime minister which is an admirable achievement. She did little for
> other
> women but, in fairness she never set herself as a champion for women. She
> claimed to be a self-made woman; well I know plenty of talented women who
> could
> do a whole lot more with their talents if only they'd had the foresight to
> marry
> a millionaire businessman.
> One final personal point, I'm an active trade unionist and I am surrounded
> by
> hard-working fellow trade unionists and I utterly refute the one-eyed
> anti-trade
> union nonsense written on here in the last couple of days.
> I do understand those who say that they don't wish to celebrate the death
> of any
> human, and in most cases I would agree with that view - but in this case,
> fuck
> that, she did more damage to more people's lives and deserves little but
> our
> scorn. And it will be interesting to see what reaction comes forth from all
> those lifting their skirts in horror at some of the reactions to Thatcher's
> demise when Mandela dies, sometime soon, as seems likely.
> Below is a link to a blog written by a former "insider" - an foreign office
> mandarin - he reflects on the Thatcher he knew through work - the last
> three
> paragraphs are particularly enlightening.<>
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