The central tenets of the left are envy, revenge and hate. No other mainstream 
political ideology manages to successfully package these emotions together as 
"fairness" as the left does.
They invented class hatred as a justifiable means for the mandatory 
redistribution of wealth. Even they couldn't bring themselves to campaign under 
the slogan "vote for us and we'll give you somebody else's money" but that's 
what they meant.
The automatic assumption is, that they are "right" as any normal person would 
know. Anybody who disagrees is of course mad or evil or both and should be 
consigned to a gulag or starved to death or taken out into a field and shot, 
for references see J Stalin, M-T Tung, P Pot. P Pot is my favourite, his 
numbers are not great 1 to 3 million of his own countrymen slaughtered but as 
this represented somewhere between 25 and 30% of the entire population it's a 
top effort.
My point is, that there is a wide streak of visceral hatred that runs through 
the concept of left wing politics. We are all equal and I'll kill you to prove 
it, you must be evil, greedy, selfish, and elitist, to think differently anyway.
They have proved this in spades over the last week.
I have attached a copy below of the Telegraph letters page from yesterday and 
would draw your attention to the letter from Lord True. If you will forgive the 
pun, "never a truer word written" and neatly encapsulates the lack of manners, 
respect, taste and empathy that we would hope for in all our children.
Never mind, vote for us and we'll give you the money of the bastards who didn't.

One thing I have learned from the BBC's reporting on the death of Lady Thatcher 
is that Ken Livingston, Glenda Jackson and Derek Hatton are alive and well. 
This has however proved to be a watershed moment in my life. For the first time 
ever I found myself in agreement with his Tonyness.


Many have watched with distaste the haste with which the BBC dashed to thrust 
microphones under the noses of the most bitter enemies of Margaret Thatcher 
within hours of her death. 

May we now assume that, when Nelson Mandela dies, prominence will be given to 
the associates of Eugene Terre Blanche? To pose the question is to know the 
Mr Mandela in death will be accorded the appropriate respect.

Can anything be done about the historical ignorance, bad manners and pathetic 
institutionalised Leftism of a once greta broadcasting corporation ?
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