I like woodmansey's comments - especially about huhne. That was a great post.

Obviously he's on a wind up but he has a great Internet persona.

Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Apr 2013, at 21:02, "Robert Woodmansey" <rob.woodman...@me.com> wrote:

> Springboard to what ? Do the members of the List have a sway over editors of 
> other publications ?
> I omitted a prefix….mea culpa. Id better go and flog myself.
> On 13 Apr 2013, at 12:09, Peter Castlehouse wrote:
>> And, just what has this to do with LUFC???
>> Non-LU is the correct prefix
>> Please, everybody, take the Thatcher debate off-list - she's dead, she's
>> gonna be buried soon...
>> Let's get back to LUFC ffs!
>> OzPete
>> Ps... And Woodmansey, stop using this list as your springboard unless it's
>> LUFC related eh?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org [mailto:leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org] On
>> Behalf Of Robert Woodmansey
>> Sent: Saturday, 13 April 2013 8:13 PM
>> To: leedslist@gn.apc.org List
>> Subject: [LU] The final straw
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcXi-VYy_Yw
>> The central tenets of the left are envy, revenge and hate. No other
>> mainstream political ideology manages to successfully package these emotions
>> together as "fairness" as the left does.
>> They invented class hatred as a justifiable means for the mandatory
>> redistribution of wealth. Even they couldn't bring themselves to campaign
>> under the slogan "vote for us and we'll give you somebody else's money" but
>> that's what they meant.
>> The automatic assumption is, that they are "right" as any normal person
>> would know. Anybody who disagrees is of course mad or evil or both and
>> should be consigned to a gulag or starved to death or taken out into a field
>> and shot, for references see J Stalin, M-T Tung, P Pot. P Pot is my
>> favourite, his numbers are not great 1 to 3 million of his own countrymen
>> slaughtered but as this represented somewhere between 25 and 30% of the
>> entire population it's a top effort.
>> My point is, that there is a wide streak of visceral hatred that runs
>> through the concept of left wing politics. We are all equal and I'll kill
>> you to prove it, you must be evil, greedy, selfish, and elitist, to think
>> differently anyway.
>> They have proved this in spades over the last week.
>> I have attached a copy below of the Telegraph letters page from yesterday
>> and would draw your attention to the letter from Lord True. If you will
>> forgive the pun, "never a truer word written" and neatly encapsulates the
>> lack of manners, respect, taste and empathy that we would hope for in all
>> our children.
>> Never mind, vote for us and we'll give you the money of the bastards who
>> didn't.
>> One thing I have learned from the BBC's reporting on the death of Lady
>> Thatcher is that Ken Livingston, Glenda Jackson and Derek Hatton are alive
>> and well. 
>> This has however proved to be a watershed moment in my life. For the first
>> time ever I found myself in agreement with his Tonyness.
>> Sir,
>> Many have watched with distaste the haste with which the BBC dashed to
>> thrust microphones under the noses of the most bitter enemies of Margaret
>> Thatcher within hours of her death. 
>> May we now assume that, when Nelson Mandela dies, prominence will be given
>> to the associates of Eugene Terre Blanche? To pose the question is to know
>> the answer.
>> Mr Mandela in death will be accorded the appropriate respect.
>> Can anything be done about the historical ignorance, bad manners and
>> pathetic institutionalised Leftism of a once greta broadcasting corporation
>> ?
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