Please take this rather distasteful discussion off of the list and/or leave. It is a discussion neither needed nor worthy of airing.

If we had wanted to see peurile cock waving we would have asked for it. We haven't. Get it? No one has!

I hope that we do not have to take the tiresome measure of having to monitor every bloody message that appears on the list and that individuals will also refrain from bickering off list too (it's called bullying where I come from).

And just for the record I've had a shed load of complaints from listers about this thread, in many cases people who don't want to complain on the list because they are wary of being bullied for their troubles.

As the list guide suggests: You would not go into a bar climb on a stool and shout abuse at all and sundry now would you?

Remember, before you type, think about the feelings and situations of others on the list and maybe think about just exactly what you look like to the rest of us when you press the send key.

(One who knows!)

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