Really? So how should football be played.

Yeah Barca and Spain don't have a 'plan B' but their 'plan A' is football 
played well and is great to watch imho. Beats the long ball 
play-it-up-to-the-big-man crap we have been dishing out for so long.

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On 01/07/2013, at 20:05, "Sutton / Smail" <> wrote:

> I take great heart in seeing Spain (and Barcelona) lose. I have nothing 
> against the country or club, but they do play the same endless boring boring 
> passing game. I think opponents simply get bored
> or mesmerised playing them and fall into a trance. Maybe that's part of their 
> plan? Brazil are much more of an exciting team to watch with so many 
> different styles and pace changes to their game - not unlike Bayern.
> However, Pat Nevin did a very eye opening piece on the Spanish passing style 
> which is well worth a look for those that haven't seen it.
> Very admirable perhaps, even so, still boring. I noticed even at 3-0 down the 
> Spanish had no plan B, Plan A obviously wasn't working against Brazil. This 
> was not a good example of  Pat Nevin's observations as they were under heavy 
> pressure last night which
> they aren't so used to.
> Dave
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