Re Dave's Report

Thank goodness... an optimistic report in a sea of whinging!

I agree with nearly all that you said Dave, I think on another day had we
had the "rub-of-the-green" we would have scored a bucketful.  It was just
one of those nights when things just didn't go how they should (penalty
decision aside)

All the people sat round me moaned all game and picked on every player when
he made an error (Mowatt aside).  Walking away from the game I met up with
some other mates (who go to every game home & away) and they moaned that in
general we are rubbish!  And as for the whingers on Radio Leeds...!  I
thought I was on my own when I think we've definitely imporved from the
Warnock/Bates days and we are just going through a sticky patch.

As McD ponits out, he couldn't get the other couple of players in that he
wanted.  I guess these would be a striker and a winger.  Given two decent
additions I don't think we're far off.  Instead of looking at everyone's
frailities why can't people see their good points?  We're a Championship
club that can't over invest - not a team at the top of the prem playing in
Champion's League!

I thought overall all our players did okay last night, maybe with the
exception of Hunt.  I'm not doubting he's a decent player but it just isn't
working out for him at Leeds.  Also last night when we pushed forward with
a bit of aggression/speed I thought we looked okay (admittedely it was
against 10) - we look far better than when we break, and then pass sideways
to allow the opposition time to re-group.  I guess an attacking winger
would help on this score.

On the penalty decision, from our viewpoint (NE Corner Upper), I thought it
was 50/50 and felt it was a bit harsh when he got sent off.

Someone said to me that they didn't think McD knows what he is doing, i.e.
which is his best team.  He himself sort of admitted that on the radio
after, saying he was unsure who to start with at the moment.  He did praise
Mowatt though (rightly so)

My only criticism is that Diouf isn't getting a look in.  I still think we
create more with him in the side than not in it.  Is there something we
don't know?  Is it a fitness thing? (like Byram?)

So I'm not doom and gloom and my glass is still just over half-full.

Ted H
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