Just read the first part of his interview with YEP - he is certainly full of 
passion - is he also full of bullshit ? I suppose only time will tell.

It may be a bumpy ride and I may be clutching at straws after so many bad years 
and false dawns (I was in the Bates is a twat but at least he is our twat and 
will fight for us  and take no crap camp, originally , so I have been fooled 
before) perhaps this time we have got , if not the right man, at least someone 
with money and ambition who can take us forward.

Of course if he is not the right man things could get even worse !

Roll on 3 points tomorrow that will put any fear of relegation to bed 
(personally I think that 47pts will be enough to stay up)

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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