Thanks, Nick.  I agree with all of that…though I’d say that for “a big, rough 
arced team” Boro passed the ball quite nicely, particularly in the first half.  
Hard to ignore a goal called out that very well might not have been.  First 20 
minutes was utterly dismal.  We could not string together two passes and didn’t 
seem likely to learn to do so any time in the near future.  But Billy certainly 
DID put a shift in…and, no doubt, its that sort of thing that DOES make luck.

Michael A. Gardiner
110 West “A” Street, Suite 950
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On Aug 17, 2014, at 4:00 AM, 
<<>> wrote:

Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 17:45:47 +0100
From: Nick <<>>
To: leeds list <<>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

I?ll take this for a win. Boro are a big, rough arsed team. Quite happy to 
stick it in, and mix it up. But with our two newest men, Cooper and Sharp, 
making steady debuts we looked solid if uninspiring. At least Hunt wasn?t 
lining up. I notice that someone thought before the match that Austin should be 
dropped - that would have been a bad call, he was man of the match for 
us?putting in the shifts of two men.

We almost scored in the first two minutes following a shot and a parry by the 
keeper quite a way out of his goal which was followed up - and should have been 
finished but Boro had 3 men covering and the ball was cleared off the line. 
This raised the tempo and for 10 minutes we huffed and puffed around their box 
without really getting anywhere. The crowd was 24,500, the sun was shining and 
Dowden turned up with the pies?my dad?s face lit up like it was his birthday; 
don?t think he could remember the last time he had a pork pie. He was well 
happy at half time. All was well with the world.

Slowly though Boro took the sting out of it and began passing through our 
midfield. They had more pressure without really threatening. Our two Chalfs 
looked comfortable, as did Silvestri in goal - the problem was the FBacks - 
Byram didn?t look interested while Warnock was all or nothing?frequently making 
good challenges, but they were often desperate or last ditch, while at other 
times he simply wasn?t there. To be fair to both, neither was getting much 
cover for their respective midfielders.

On 30 minutes Boro got the ball across the box?our defenders static watching 
the ball bounce and one their forwards hooked the ball over his shoulder and in 
the far corner?now for some reason (possibly high feet by the goalscorer) it 
was disallowed?which was extremely lucky for us. There was a certain irony 
given that for the previous few minutes we?d been singing the one about ?only 
getting shit refs??

Moving forward, we tried to pass our way through and sometimes there looked to 
be the promise of something developing with interplay between Austin, Doukara, 
Ajose and Sharp - Doukara, takes the ball well and lays it off nicely; he might 
have more pace that he appears to, because he gets by the opposition, or gets 
to the ball first when you don?t expect it. He?d took quite a lot of punishment 
in the first half, including a nasty scything chop just on half time - so he 
?gave it a go for 10 minutes? in the second before coming off for Tonge. 
Bringing Tonge on was a good call as he beefed up the midfield - and had been 
in good form in the pre-season. Our next change needed to involve brining Smith 
on to get about the defence, but instead it was Poleon, which really didn?t 

in the second half we were pushed back and Silvestri did have to make a couple 
of sharp stops?he also dealt comfortably with the crosses slung in.

On 75 minutes it looked like Sharp, who?d been busy without being special up to 
that point, had fluffed his lines, popping a free header 6 feet out just wide 
of the near post. Then with 2 minutes to go (of the 90) a ball is cut back to 
the edge of the box and Tonge belts it low and hard to the far corner, the 
keeper at full stretch palms it back into the midfield of the box, rather than 
out and Sharp, showing good poacher?s skills stabbed it over his outstretched 
leg and into the bottom corner in front of the Kop?and I bet he?ll take that 
for a debut. He went mental ran around with his shirt off and got a booking for 
his trouble.

Something like 6 minutes of tense injury time was played, but we hung on?

SILVESTRI - calm, solid, quietly efficient

BYRAM - he is a class act, but whether he?s out of position or not, he needs to 
get more involved?often peripheral

WARNOCK - blood and thunder - sometimes it works and sometimes it is dreadful 
foul?worked in the main today

COOPER - big, strong, decent in the air, read most of what he needed to do?not 
sure about the speed yet, but we?ll see. A tendency to wander upfield with the 
ball and lose it, but all-in-all a huge improvement on Wootton.

PEARCE - a good battling, all heart performance

AUSTIN - all around nuisance for Boro, tackle after tackle after tackle?decent 
distribution when played short and simply but still not up to much with the 
longer more adventurous stuff

MURPHY - also peripheral, the passing didn?t work, nevertheless he put in a 

BIANCHI - always seems to have more time than his team mates; quality touch; 
needs to be on the ball more - guess he?s adjusting to the pace of the game

AJOSE - busy, nippy and lightweight

SHARP - the winning goal on the debut makes all the difference. Looks like he 
could make a go of a partnership with Doukara?needs good service and that might 
be the problem.

DOUKARA - I have hopes for this guy - strong, good control - a couple of goals 
in the league and he?ll be away.


Tonge - had more or less 35 minutes and certainly brought more shape and 
resilience to the midfield
Poleon - not much new to say about this guy?got 20 minutes and didn?t achieve 
Cook - had about 10 minutes and got stuck in, I suppose.

Hock - team didn?t seem to have much shape for a while, looks like a diamond 4 
in midfield with Austin in front of the back 4 and Ajose behind the 
strikers?left a lot on Murphy and Bianchi?and Smith was the obvious sub with 20 
minutes to go?but hey he has his first home win and clean sheet, so who is the 
tactical genius..?

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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