Mini match report, 

Thought we started ok, Mowatt looked a yard quicker, still not fast but much 
better. We didn't really create anything apart from an off- side goal. I think 
the team selection is pretty much forced but I really do have grave concerns 
about a manager who puts his faith in Luke Murphy. I think he gave 100% but 
that just makes it more obvious that here is a guy who has nothing much to 
offer at this level. Thing is, most of us having been saying this since his 
debut ( despite his lucky goal) but yet others seem to think he's going to turn 
into Steven Gerard. The bloke is league division 4 and he should take his dodgy 
moustache and fuck off back to Crewe or Salford City.

The other thing that's getting me riled us the way Steve Evans has basically 
ruined Lewis Cook. He's decided to play him as a holding midfielder player, sat 
just in front of the back four doing fuck all. We've lost approximately 25% of 
our effectiveness through this decision from Evans. When you consider we were 
only 8% effective that basically means we are fucked.

And so it was proved, against a pedestrian Rotherham team we struggled and to 
be honest they looked pretty organised compared to our long ball , short ball 
carry on. We had no plan and no players who have the quality to hurt the 
opposition. Bokota is the only one but he only played a sub's role and didn't 
touch the ball in the first 20 minutes on the pitch ( I kid you not). When he 
finally did get the ball he terrified them and he opened them up for the first 
time in the game. Unfortunately, he was still relying on our dynamic duo 
upfront helping him out. They couldn't,

Evans is playing 2 up front but on this performance neither of our strikers is 
really up to it. I admit to being a fan of Antenucci but I think he's trying to 
hard and also suffering from playing next to a fucking plank. I heard someone 
say he's a second rare Billy Painter. I think that's not fair on Billy. Wood is 
rubbish, yes he won 2 headers in 95 minutes, one actually headed on target but 
his general, laboured play shows a player who is just not good enough. I would 
suggest his wonder effort against Derby was a complete fluke. There's no other 
explanation and I think Wood would have been in dream heaven following that 
strike. He just isn't capable of that sort of quality.

At the back, our new, solid defence was all over the shop. Beradi for once 
looked like a right back really struggling at left back, the centre two looked 
disorganised and desperate and Scott Wooton is just fucking Scott Wooton. You'd 
have to be a clueless, fat bastard to pick that cunt.

What more can be said, other than , yes Evans is making the same mistakes, but 
with that set of players I think Don Revie would be struggling.

Silvestri - 4. All over the shop. A couple if decent saves, I don't think he 
knows the names of his defenders.

Wooton - 5. Wasn't actually his worst game but it makes no difference, he ain't 
a right book and ain't good enough at this level.

Beradi - 2. I think he struggled today and I'm not sure what happened for his 
sending off but it looked like he completely lost his head.

Bellusci - 5. He worked hard, did some good stuff but then at times he looked 
shite. He should have been sent off too. He's a head case.

Cooper - 5. Same as Bellusci without resembling a compete lunatic.

Cook - 5 what a shame. Evans has shackled him.

Mowatt - 4. Improved but just isn't good enough IMO.

Murphy - 1. Come on, get rid.

Dallas - 3. He's fucking shit.

Antenucci - 1. Awful, no pace,always off- side. 

Wood - 1. He's fucking rubbish. Twat.

Subs :

Bokota - 5. Opened them up eventually

Adeyemi- did he actually touch the ball I. 30 mins?

Evans - fat fucker. Getting sacked in the morning apparently according to the 
Rotherham fans. He's only been in charge for 4 games ? That's ridiculous.

I can't pay good money to watch this shit and won't be going to Hull based in 

> On 21 Nov 2015, at 21:05, Richard walker <> wrote:
> I haven't started yet John, just shovelling the wine down my neck. It really 
> was awful and I can't see myself getting a Hull ticket to watch Chris Woods 
> and Luke Murphy. 
> So depressing. Huddersfield and Cardiff was just a bit of luck.
> We need half a dozen new players.
> Back to the Chateau Belgrave ... Only quality thing on offer today.
>> On 21 Nov 2015, at 19:29, John Boocock <> wrote:
>> I wouldn't bother Rich it was dire. Waste of my pension 
>> Sent in great haste from the middle of a field
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