My thoughts exactly Matt.  I'm sat practically in-line with it and was
surprised the lino put his flag up as I thought it was in.  As soon as it
went up tho we made no effort to stop Rhodes.  Not a disallowed goal at all


On 16 February 2016 at 10:54, Matt Anderson <> wrote:

> Their disallowed goal.... yes the ball was out but the lino put his flag up
> straight away,  the ball crossed in but Bellusci (?), silvestri and Rhodes
> had all seen it and stopped.  Rhodes just headed it in.  despite f*cking
> peter Beagrie and Karanka moaning it was not a disallowed goal it was an
> incorrect goal kick.  Had the flag gone up later I'm confidentish that he
> wouldn't have headed unopposed into to the net... that's what I'm telling
> the Boro fans anyway
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On
> Behalf Of
> Sent: 16 February 2016 10:15
> To: Leeds List
> Subject: [LU] Boro
> . Left pub at the very last minute so did not see the protest.What I did
> see
> was plenty of empty seats, even among the season ticket holders near me and
> that tells its own story. Anyway on to the match which I assume those who
> care enough to read this will have seen on TV.Not sure what to say about
> this one. I walked out having given the team great cheers and applause at
> the end, but, that was mainly for the last 10 minutes when we really went
> for it. The previous 80mins was almost business as usual, we had most of
> the
> possession and most of the territorial advantage but never really looked
> like scoring and we were always worried they would hit us on the break and
> get a goal. They were not brilliant but the general impression all game was
> that they were better than us and that if they scored one they would beat
> us
> 3 or 4 nil.
> The first half was not great but not awful either with our only two chances
> / attempts being an excellent turn and shot by Doukara and then an almost
> own goal from a goal mouth scramble. AT our end Silvestri was the typical
> Silvestri - two good saves, flapping at a cross that ended with Bellusci
> (?)
> clearing off the line and some awful kicking. They did have the ball in the
> net when a cross was headed in but the whistle had already gone as the ball
> went out before the cross ( a text message suggested the decision was
> wrong)
> So 0-0 at half time and a decent response from the crowd rather than the
> booing off of some recent games. Their was a bit of anti Cellino stuff but
> nothing of any note.The second half was similar with them missing a couple
> of chances on the break and Silvestri pulling off another good save. We
> actually had two attempts on target - the most in any home game for a while
> -both from Doukara, one a great header but both were very well saved. We
> brought on Erwin
>   but he just showed why he has not been being picked, and Mowatt was also
> brought on and looked quite lively. Then with ten minutes to go we suddenly
> came alive and played like Evans has promised we always would, that is,
> really going for it. We really battered them in that period, helped by
> their
> defender getting an obvious yellow card for a trip which was his second. So
> when the final whistle went we were totally on top of the game roared on by
> the crowd and we all left the ground thinking why can't we do this more
> often.It was not all great, Wootton who did OK defensively constantly
> showed
> why he should not be a right back, time after time he was in space but
> stopped and turned back killing the momentum. Cooper showed that with the
> ball at his feet he is a League one defender, Antenucci (one of my
> favourites) played like he really did not want to be at Leeds, Cook still
> refuses to shoot, and Doukara whislt he did quite well and had our 3 best
> attempts on goal does not pun  ch his weight and is too easily bossed.
> That is a bit nit picking when over the 90minutes we matched and more, the
> supposed second best team in the Division and could have got all 3 points.
> Again though we were left wondering why we play so much better against good
> teams than bad, and why we do not have more penetration.I found out at the
> game that we are back there next Tuesday v Fulham, so cue a goal or two by
> McCormack and us going back into our shell against a lower team Dave
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