This really had the feeling of an end of season non event. The small crowd 
(20K) never really found its voice and was subdued throughout. No doubt some 
media will have it as a 5 goal thriller but it was not really that to be honest
The loudest song was when the tannoy announced 'code red' code red' then 
followed with a 'ignore the last message'This brought chants of 'you don't know 
what you're doing' from the crowd
Brian McD got a couple of songs in his favour and the ref got a few against him 
after their equaliser , but apart from that the atmosphere was flat
We started OK and had a couple of goal mouth scrambles that could have resulted 
in own goals and then the best chance of the half fell to Antenucci who was on 
the edge of the box, clean through, but his shot was wayward to say the least. 
They had one opportunity when SIlvestri came out well and forced the striker to 
shoot wide.
The game fizzled out then for a bit, we huffed and puffed as per usual, 
although Murphy was having one of his (rare) good games well supported by 
Then not long before half time, Bellusci needlessly fouled their lad by pushing 
him in the back and the free kick was sent to the far post where their forward 
came on it unmarked and poked home
Some boos at half time but mainly disinterest.
Fairly soon after the start of the the 2nd half a great cross by Berardi (one 
of quite a few he put in) was met by Diagourara and he headed home. Soon after 
the much maligned Wood (or WoodS) as the tannoy called him - quitened his 
critics (did not shut them up) when a cross from Taylor was headed home via the 
bar and the keeper. Lino said it crossed the line and we were 2 1 up.
Cue - stop playing and let them back in- a great save by his feet by Silvestri 
and the crossbar almost kept them at bay but then a handball and throw in was 
flagged as being to us by the lino - ref without consultation gave it to them 
and whilst we argued and moaned they had a shot blocked but scored with the 
rebound. 2 2
Erwin and Phillips came on and we got back into it, then Wood harrassed the 
defender , took the ball off him, and went towards goal and slotted home with 
some style. Enough to silence the critics ? who knows ?
We managed this time to hang on for the rest of the game and the added 5 
minutes -so a 5th (?) home victory of the season, our first 3 goaler at home in 
the league and mathematical safety - so not a bad afternoon really
Two (totally unsubstantiated rumours01. The Russians are taking over and 
2Season tickets will be £200 next season and we expect to sell around 30,000 !! 
I would love this to be true but the person who told it to me was not sure 
where he had heard it !!
Make of either / both what you will
So only 2 games to go at ER before another forgettable season draws to an end
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