Rich, I think that's a bit of a (typically) narrow view of it all, there
are MP's across ALL parties who are split on this, it just seems to be the
one's in focus are Gove & Johnson, both of whom are surely stating that
they will never lead the Tories should the remain campo win ... Which  I
think they will. It all seems (To innocent, Harehills born, thicky me)
very similar to the Scottish Independent vote. All bluster and scare
tactics (From both sides) But ultimately 'the safe bet' will win.

The vociferousness of the exit camp should anyone DARE suggest their own
opinion (Obama, The IMF, Just about every world leader, Mark Carney, The
TUC, 450 out of 650 MP's etc. ALL of who suggest we'd be better off
remaining) smacks to me of Empirical behaviour, still thinking we own half
the World ... which we don't! and sticking your fingers in your ears and
shouting LA LA LA if anyone dare to put forward a sensible argument
against you.

FWIW, I'm also in, mainly because I think we need to look to the future
and not the past. The World is shaping up to be made up of 5 super powers;
America, Russia, China, The Middle Eastern Oil countries and Europe, if
we're not at one of those 'top tables' we'll be an insignificant voice in
the distance shouting "Listen to us, we used to be important". Also, in OR
out will not stop immigration! So I cannot understand people thinking
voting out will change that one iota.

When the undecided 10% close the curtain and put their X down, they will
(It's a very British instinct) err on the side of caution and stay with
what they have. Just like they did in Scotland. 55-60% to 40-45% In on
June 23rd I reckon!


> yes it is, what depresses me is that it's just turned into a substitute
> tory
> leadership campaign, with Tories on both sides ignoring the positives and
> just running scare stories.   it's putting a lot of people off, so I'm
> worried we'll end up with a low turnout.
> FWIW I'm for In, but I accept there is a positive story to be put forward
> for Out as well, just haven't heard it.

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